Late Sri Vundavalli Satyanarayana Murthy, a great philanthropist and renowned personality founded VSM College in the year 1966. It is one of the illustrious institutions in the state, with number of UG and PG Courses.
Our college founder former president and correspondent Sri Vundavilli Satya Narayana Murthy garu popularly known as Rayavaram Munisiff garu and he was also familiar by different names i.e. Raju, Dathudu, Samithi President& Guru. His political guru used to call as nadir. He was one of the daring and dynamic political leader in Andhra Pradesh.
Our president has Nationalist background because His Father Sri Ramaiah was a victim of The British Impericulism during Salt Satyagrah. He was a Social Reformer and performed many activities to uplift the Backward Classes.His friend Andhra Pradesh Ex. Minister Sri Kasu Brahmananda Reddy expressed His opinion on Munasiff: "He Was A Long Standing Congress Man And No One Can Achieve His Name And Fame". A.P. Ex. Minster Sri Kotla Vijaya Bhaskara Reddy mentioned that: Where suffering there he is i.e. Eminent Rayavaram Munasiff Garu. Sri N.G.Ranga expressed his views on Munasiff Garu was a source of strength to so many educationalists. Sri Mandala Venkata Krishna Rao (Ex. Former educational minister) praised munasiff garu:he was not only a munasiff of rayavaram but a munasiff of state.

A.P.Congress Committee appreciated Him as a good administrator and a powerful organiser. Prof.Tumapati Donappa (Rtd.Sri Acharya Nagarjuna University) revealed his views on Munasiff Garu that he has a strong will to educate people in the rural areas. Hence He was called as a Praja Manishi (A Man of People).

To cherish His dreams and wishes of imparting technical education to the rural folk, the governing body of VSM College under the president ship of Sri Sathya Narayan Rao.M.V.V has established VSM College of Engineering in the year 2009. VSM College of Engineering, a co-educational, self financed, private Engineering college, affiliated to JNTUK Kakinada and approved by AICTE, New Delhi.

At present, the college is offering four B.Tech courses at undergraduate level i.e. Civil Engineering, and Electrical & Electronics Engineering,each with an intake of 60 & Mechanical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Computer Science & Engineering with 120. The college has well qualified, committed and dedicated faculty and is supported by hard working, devoted technical & non- technical staff. The college also has well equipped laboratories with sophisticated equipment. The U.G College is NAAC Accredited and has acquired CPE Status.


Every College has an emblem of its own. We too have one.The emblem of the V.S.M. College, Ramachandrapuram was designed with a high purpose and objective. It typifies the principal aspirations of the founders of this new Educational Institution.The motto chosen for the emblem is Vidya Vijayetetaram. It is taken form the Upanishads. It enshrines the truth that Education triumphs over everything else the aristocracy of wealth, social position, power, birth and such other advantages take a secondary place while Education possesses unique value. It is particularly so in the present context of our country development which includes the provision of equal opportunities for education, general and technological, as well to the teeming millions of our countrymen who should take their rightful place at all levels in this our great democracy.

One important condition for the successful working of the democratic institutions is the existence of an intelligent and educated electorate who will be in a position to choose from among themselves suitable persons for manning the political, administrative, and social positions which carry power and responsibility. In our vast sub-continent the growing millions have yet to be provided with adequate opportunities for acquiring higher education. It is hoped that this small institution will contribute its might towards the fulfilment of this objective.

The Taluk of Ramachandrapuram is famous for the temple at Draksharama about three miles from here. The temple Deity is Lord Bhimeswara for whose worship there has been a perennial flow of pilgrims from far and near all round the year. Draksharama is sometimes described as Varanasi of the South. The imposing temple with its characteristic architecture and sculpture is made to appear prominently in the emblem so that it may capture the attention of the students who are expected to be influenced by feeling of awe and sanctity. The emblem is aimed at making every student constantly familiar with the traditional ideas of theism and rich cultural heritage which should enter into the texture of their everyday thoughts.

It is felt that in a secular state like ours, which is of course, not a godless state there is every need for educational institutions inculcating among the youth the basic values of liberal religion which is a potent force for giving a right direction to their social activities. A college is a Temple of Learning wherein the staff and students are humble votaries at the altar of the Goddess of Learning. They are like children gathering pebbles on the shores of the boundless ocean of knowledge. A college is conceived by us as a sacred place where noble thoughts should come from every side so as to chasten the minds and uplift the souls of succeeding batches of young pilgrims who pass through the portals of this temple year after year.It is a matter of common knowledge that Ramachandrapuram area looking always gay and green is a granary of Andhra Pradesh.

The soil is fertile with an unusually large output per unit. Paddy and sugar cane besides many cereals are the main agricultural produce of the area. Agricultural prosperity of course, lies at the foundation fo all economic development. The vegetation indicated in the emblem is an earnest of the quantity as well as the quality of the agricultural output which determines the general standard and pattern of living of the people. Paddy which is grown extensively in this area and also the sugar cane which is a feeder for the local industry are both highly prized commodities from the point of view of self-sufficiency in respect of food and also of being an exchange earner as a semi- commercial crop. The need for higher education in this densely populated and progressive area is the greatest which fact has been kept in view by the sponsors of the college.

The ever auspicious Purnakumbham shown at the base of the temple stands for general prosperity together with traditional ideas of fraternity, self-denial and altruism. In this way the emblem adopted by the college is an attempt at a harmonious blending of the cherished ideals of industry, generosity, pursuit of knowledge and higher values of life based essentially on an abiding faith in an unseen power the deplorable lack of which seems to be at the root of much of the malaise which afflicts the country to day.Appreciative mention must be made that the artist who has designed the emblem is our colleague Mr. M.V. Krishnayya, Lecturer in English.


  • Nice college ,good atmosphere,great library Completed my graduation (B.Tech) (EEE)2014-2018 batch.

    Raghu pradeep( EEE )
  • One of the best infrastructured college in AP. Students has a huge platform to reach their goals by well qualified lecturers.

    Pranay( CSE )
  • Very good college with infrastructure , experienced faculty. College library is top among the libraries of Andhra Pradesh. Amenities(Canteen, Internal auditorium, Play ground) for students are awesome.

    Sairam( Google Review )

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  • VSM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING ,MAIN ROAD, RAMACHANDRAPURAM - Pin:533255, East-Godavari District, Andhra Pradesh,INDIA.
  • 7729972264

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