Student Registration

Late Sri. Vundavalli Satyanarayana Murthy Garu
Late Sri. Vundavalli Satyanarayana Murthy Garu
Our college founder former president and correspondent Sri Vundavilli Satya Narayana Murthy garu popularly known as Rayavaram Munisiff garu and .
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To provide excellent technical education for development of global engineers with strong entrepreneul skills and social ethics.

To imbibe quality of discipline,social responsibility within the students and focus on developing innovative and entrepreneul technocrats.
Important Info
Coding Club
This club provides a platform which allows students to gain assistance and mentorship to enhance their coding ability and it creates a fun and supportive environment where we develop programming and statistics skills together.
To create a diverse learning community where we help each other to attain fluency in analytics and programming.
Technology Club
To make students as inventor, founders and technology equippers by providing guidance and assistance on latest technologies.
Innovation and start-up club would help to engage students in innovative and creative activities apart from providing opportunities for hands on activities. The innovation and start club creates awareness, educate, nurture and inculcate a culture of innovation amongst students and to enable them to convert new ideas into start ups.
Innovation & Startup club
Innovation and start-up club would help to engage students in innovative and creative activities apart from providing opportunities for hands on activities. The innovation and start club creates awareness, educate, nurture and inculcate a culture of innovation amongst students and to enable them to convert new ideas into start ups.
Music and Photography Club
To provide opportunities to the students to enrich their art of music and enhance the creative skills in the photography.
Photography Club is a blend of people who want to capture and create beauty.
The Music Club, one of the most prestigious and popular clubs of the institute has the responsibility of creating the sense of musical aura across the campus. This club aims to create the opportunities for everyone to discover the artist within themselves.
Cultural Club
The aim of cultural club is to motivate students in acquiring knowledge about India’s rich cultural heritage towards their personality development and progress in society, sensitizing them towards appreciation of Indian Arts, developing a sense of respect towards continuity of traditions. This club also aims on students to organize and develop activities in the artistic fields of interest, along with professionals.
The Objectives of the Club are:
Identifying those work methods that help students learn and promote activities also expose their peer skills leading to their personality development;
Taking part in various performances, shows, festivals, national and international tours with the artistic teams;
Cultivating sensitiveness and more expressiveness for personal fulfilment and life quality standards.
The main objective concern is organizing students’ teams to take part in shows, festivals, contests at local, national and international level, on the other hand students able to organize exhibitions, symposia, conferences, book presentations, dance courses, and other students’ actions.
English Language Teaching Center
A resource and research centre, the VSM English Language Teaching (ELT) Centre promotes the continuing professional development of teachers of English and classroom research.
The Centre’s services include:
- Training teachers of English in continuing professional development (CPD), curriculum design, innovation management, materials development, classroom methodology, testing and action research;
- Providing ELT consultancy
- Conducting faculty development programmes on communication and delivery skills for engineering faculty
- Developing and publishing ELT materials
- Conducting research, especially action research, in ELT
The Centre’s services include:
- Training teachers of English in continuing professional development (CPD), curriculum design, innovation management, materials development, classroom methodology, testing and action research;
- Providing ELT consultancy
- Conducting faculty development programmes on communication and delivery skills for engineering faculty
- Developing and publishing ELT materials
- Conducting research, especially action research, in ELT
AP State Skill Development Corporation (APSSDC) is an initiative of Government of Andhra Pradesh in coordination with APSCHE and various Universities in India and abroad. APSSDC granted the CM Skill Excellence Center, Dassault Systemes 3D Experience Lab, ARC Lab and Venture Development Center (VDC) to the VSM Engineering College. Skill Development Centre (SDC) promotes interaction by Government, University and industry in transferring industry-grade skills to the students for making them better employable. APSSDC will also serve the important task of providing high quality skilled manpower as part of the "Knowledge and Skills Mission" of GoAP.
Oracle Academy
Oracle Academy advances computer science education globally to increase knowledge, innovation, skills development, and diversity in technology fields. Oracle Academy courses are designed to provide students with foundational knowledge and skills in areas of computer science that are universally in high demand across computing jobs and are recommended for use in secondary schools, technical and vocational schools and colleges, and 2 and 4-year colleges and universities.
Microsoft campus Agreement
The Microsoft Campus Agreement is designed to address the unique needs of higher educational institutions. Campus Agreement lets you keep your technology up to speed. VSM Engineering College is Associated as a Cloud - enabled Campus with Microsoft as a part of Edu - Cloud Program. This agreement provides the following services to VSM Engineering College for downloading the following Software’s and Keys.
Code Tantra
Programming is like any other practical skill, where one has to have hands-on experience to acquire the skill. CodeTantra's unique intelligent interactive learning platform guarantees that the learner will be able to write code on completion of the learning program. The platform handholds the student by teaching one simple concept at a time, followed by numerous drilling exercises till the concept is transformed into a skill. The platform's automated learn-code-and-learn technique builds confidence and by continuous and incremental application of concepts.
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell believes that entrepreneurs are not necessarily born, they can be developed through well conceived and well directed activities. It is now widely recognized that education can be a very effective instrument to bring out latent resources and capabilities of students. Contingent on this belief, the mission of Entrepreneurship Development Cell is to promote the spirit entrepreneurship through education and training.
Moving a Step forward in that direction, the VSM Engineering College has initiated the Establishment of Entrepreneurship Development Cell in 2006.
The primary aim of IQAC is
To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
- 4200+ Student Strength in CAY
- 300+ Faculty Strength in CAY
- 150+ Placements 2021- 2022
- 27000+ Library Books